Destined for Destiny: The Unauthorized Autobiography of George W. Bush
Scott Dikkers, Peter Hilleren
And now for an unauthorized message from the President of the United States, George W. Bush: Writing this book may be my first ever mistake. Free from all the filters, handlers, and facts, I tell the untold story of my inspirational life. You will struggle with me in my strugglesome youth. During the Vietnam War you will be right there at my side as I face down the terrible enemy of sinful partying. Together, we will meet and fall head-over-heels for the love my life-Jesus. And through me you will become a beloved, terror-fighting hero on the greatest hour of my presidency, September 11, 2001. I embarked upon this important and historical work against the advice of my advisors. Come what may, I wanted to hear my story from me, in my own talking. Here are some of the chapters in my book: Like Roots Only White; No Bush Child Left Behind; Flying High!; I Won! Or Lost, Whatever; My Enduring Legacy: Mount Rushmore?