With the stealth of a spy vessel, the royal ship Aziziye approaches the famous vistas of Mingheria. 'An emerald built of pink stone'. The 29th state of the ailing Ottoman Empire.
The ship carries Princess Pakize, the daughter of a deposed sultan, her doctor husband, and the ...
Tony Wilson is one of the most legendary music industry figures of his generation. Nicknamed Mr Manchester, he transformed the Northern music scene as founder of Factory Records and the Hacienda nightclub after earning a cult following as a television presenter. The author explores Wilson's existence through the eyes of those closest to him.
In 1833, the Select Committee for Public Walks was introduced so that `the provision of parks would lead to a better use of Sundays and the replacement of the debasing pleasures.' Music was seen as an important moral influence and `musical cultivation ... the safest and surest method of popular culture', and ...