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Effective Action Research: Developing Reflective Thinking and Practice
Professor Patrick J. M. Costello
Condition: New
£26.99   £6.99

What is Action Research? How Do I Collect Action Research Data? How Do I Produce an Action Research Report? This edition offers practical advice to educational practitioners engaging with action research, helping them to understand the key issues involved in completing successful action research projects.

Effective Teaching and Learning in Practice
Don Skinner
Condition: New
£34.99   £7.99

Offers an exploration of practical teaching strategies and provides ideas that are supported by practical experience, research evidence and theory. This book is intended for those teachers who are on their central professional task of understanding and deploying a range of teaching modes and strategies in order to promote successful learning.

Internationalization and Diversity in Higher Education: Implications for Teaching, Learning and Assessment
David Killick
Condition: New
£41.99   £6.99

This timely new book examines the impact of internationalization and diversity in higher education and provides practical guidance on how to manage an increasingly varied range of expectations and needs, and ensure that academic practice best serves the needs of all students across diverse learning spaces.

Place-Based Methods for Researching Schools
Professor Pat Thomson, Professor Christine Hall
Condition: New
£25.99   £6.99

Schools are complex institutions. They do not easily reveal themselves to researchers who rely on only one or two methods. Understanding a school, its neighbourhood and its students requires a researcher with a more complex repertoire of verbal, statistical and visual research strategies.

Place-Based ...

The Trainee Primary Teacher's Handbook
Gererd Dixie, Janet Bell
Condition: New
£34.99   £7.99

Provides comprehensive advice for those training to become primary teachers. This book provides guidance on: choosing the right course; preparing and applying for the course; understanding the requirements of the training course; developing effective teaching skills; and, applying for jobs in order to achieve QTS.

The Insider's Guide to Graduate Degrees in Creative Writing
Dr Seth Abramson
Condition: New
£25.99   £6.99

There are so many different graduate creative writing programs out there! How do I find the right one for me?

Bringing together data from both Master's and doctoral creative writing programs and interviews with program applicants, students, and faculty, this is a complete practical guide to choosing ...

Education in Southern Africa
Condition: New
£42.99   £6.99

Education in Southern Africa is a comprehensive critical reference guide to education in Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. With chapters written by leading regional education experts, the book explores the education systems of each country and critically ...

The Everything Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline: A constructive approach to raising a kind, cooperative, and respectful child
Ellen Bowers, Barbara Bowers
Condition: New
£12.75   £5.99

A reassuring resource for parents struggling to find a positive balance with their kids, featuring guidance on how to: set priorities for children of any age; open the lines of communication; enforce punishments; and, cultivate an environment of mutual respect.

Progressive Education: A Critical Introduction
Dr John Howlett
Condition: New
£37.99   £8.99

How and why we should educate children has always been a central concern for governments around the world, and there have long been those who have opposed orthodoxy, challenged perception and called for a radicalization of youth. Progressive Education draws together Continental Romantics, Utopian dreamers, ...

Rethinking TESOL in Diverse Global Settings: The Language and the Teacher in a Time of Change
Dr Tim Marr, Fiona English
Condition: New
£24.99   £6.99

Shortlisted for the BAAL Book Prize 2020

What do TESOL teachers actually teach? What do they know about language, about English and the ways it is used in the world? How do they view themselves and their work, and how are they viewed by others? How is TESOL perceived as a profession and as a discipline? ...

Sustainable School Leadership: Portraits of Individuality
Professor Mike Bottery, Wong Ping-Man, George Ngai
Condition: New
£28.99   £6.99

'Finalist' 2019 Association of American Publishers PROSE Award - Education Practice and Theory

We live in a complex age, with multiple challenges to the practice of educational leadership, and where there is widespread evidence of individuals wanting to retire early from leadership positions, and of ...

Leo Tolstoy
Daniel Moulin
Condition: New
£34.99   £8.99

How do we know what we should teach? And how should we go about teaching it? These deceptively simple questions about education perplexed Tolstoy. Before writing his famous novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Tolstoy opened an experimental school on his estate to try and answer them. His experiences ...

Hodder Cambridge Primary English: Learner's Book Stage 5
Anne Basden
Condition: New
£14.99   £8.99

Prepare your learners for the Progression tests and Primary Checkpoint test with this Student Book, which offers full coverage of the Cambridge Primary English curriculum frameworks, including activities for phonics and spelling, reading, writing, grammar and punctuation and speaking and listening.

Teaching Literature in Modern Foreign Languages
Condition: New
£24.99   £7.99

From plays to poetry, Le Petit Nicolas to the Association for Language Learning (ALL) Literature wiki, this book shows trainee teachers of MFL, teachers in schools, teacher educators, how literature can be an essential tool for developing students' cultural awareness as well as language skills.

With ...

Forming Resilient Children - The Role of Spiritual Formation for Healthy Development
Holly Catterton Allen, Catherine Stonehouse
Condition: New
£20.99   £6.99

We can't protect children from all hardships, but we can promote healthy development that fosters resilience. In this interdisciplinary work, Holly Catterton Allen equips educators, counselors, children's ministers, and parents with ways of developing children's spirituality so they can persevere when facing trauma and thrive in challenging times.

Rida Said: A Man for All Seasons
Sabah Kabbani
Condition: New
£14.99   £4.99

Rida Said: A Man of Many Talents tells the story of this remarkable man who helped to shape many aspects of modern Syria and lived through the Ottoman and French occupations, staying true to his commitment to the education of Arab people.

Choosing Your Degree Course & University
Brian Heap
Condition: New
£24.99   £14.99

Helping students find the right course and uni for them, Choosing Your Degree Course includes advice from a leading careers advisor, covering what questions to ask the universities and key differences between courses.

Recovering the Lost Art of Reading: A Quest for the True, the Good, and the Beautiful
Leland Ryken, Glenda Mathes
Condition: New
£17.50   £7.99

In today's technology-driven culture, reading has become a lost art. Recovering the Lost Art of Reading explores the importance of reading generally and of studying the Bible as literature, while giving practical suggestions on how to read well.

Teaching the Holocaust in School History: Teachers or Preachers?
Lucy Russell
Condition: New
£39.99   £24.99

There is a tendency to teach the Holocaust from a social and moral perspective and not as history. This book attempts to explain and debate this phenomenon. Drawing on interviews with educationalists, academics and teachers, it considers how the topic of the Holocaust is being taught in schools in the UK and overseas.

Redefining Geek: Bias and the Five Hidden Habits of Tech-Savvy Teens
Cassidy Puckett
Condition: New
£15.00   £8.45

A surprising and deeply researched look at how everyone can develop tech fluency by focusing on five easily developed learning habits.

Picture a typical computer geek. Likely white, male, and someone you'd say has a "natural instinct" for technology. Yet, after six years teaching technology classes ...

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