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Solitude: Memories, People, Places
Terry Waite
Condition: New
£16.99   £9.45

Terry Waite invites you to meet some of the exceptional people he has got to know on his travels, and explore with him the widely different forms of solitary existence they inhabit.

On Political Means and Social Ends
Ted Honderich
Condition: New
£45.00   £39.99

The moral and political arguments, judgements and commitments of Britain's outstanding radical philosopher.

Language and Hegemony in Gramsci
Peter Ives
Condition: New
£22.99   £10.99

This book demonstrates the continued political and theoretical relevance of Gramsci’s writing on language.

Making Sense: Conversations on Consciousness, Morality and the Future of Humanity
Sam Harris
Condition: New
£20.00   £14.99

"Civilization rests on a series of successful conversations." Sam HarrisNeuroscientist, philosopher, podcaster and bestselling author Sam Harris, has been exploring some of the greatest questions concerning the human mind, society, and the events that shape our world.Harris's search for deeper understanding ...

Essays in Love
Alain de Botton
Condition: New
£8.99   £4.99

Why do we fall in love - and why do we break up? Written in the style of a novel, this genre-defying book charts the relationship of a man and a woman from the first kiss to the onset of anxiety and heartbreak, illuminating emotions we have all felt but perhaps never fully understood.

Introducing Marxism: A Graphic Guide
Rupert Woodfin
Condition: New
£7.99   £3.99

Was Marx himself a 'Marxist'? Was his visionary promise of socialism betrayed by Marxist dictatorship? Is Marxism inevitably totalitarian? What did Marx really say? This book provides a fundamental account of Karl Marx's original philosophy, its roots in 19th century European ideology, and his radical economic and social criticism of capitalism.

Deleuze'S Kantian Ethos: Critique as a Way of Life
Cheri Lynne Carr
Condition: New
£61.78   £14.99

Cheri Lynne Carr explores the very real potential of Deleuze's clandestine use of Kantian critique for developing a new ethical practice. This new practice is built on an idea implicit in much of Deleuzian thought: the idea of critique as a way of life.

The Prophet and Other Writings
Kahlil Gibran, Angelo John Lewis
Condition: New
£10.00   £3.20

This edition of this definitive work is now available as a highly designed paperback with flaps with a new introduction by Angelo John Lewis. Part of the Knickerbocker Classics series, a modern design makes this timeless book a perfect travel companion. Published in 1923, Kahlil Gibran's most famous ...

Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Giuseppe Tucci
Condition: New

This intriguing, thought-provoking study examines the mandala's doctrinal basis, its use as a means of reintegration, its symbolism, and other aspects of its expression of the infinite possibilities of the subconscious.

The 60-second Philosopher: Expand your Mind on a Minute or So a Day!
Andrew Pessin
Condition: New

Philosophy means love of wisdom in Greek. Unfortunately, as much as we all love wisdom, we don't all have the time to spend acquiring it! This book offers you a snippet of philosophical wisdom everyday, giving you something to think about on your coffee break.

The Idea of a University
Bl. John Henry Newman
Condition: New

Condition: New

It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism by his mentor, Professor Pangloss.[8] The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow and painful disillusionment as he witnesses ...

Habermas and Politics: A Critical Introduction
Matheson Russell
Condition: New

A critical introduction to Jürgen Habermas' political thought and his theory of power Jürgen Habermas has come to be viewed as the unofficial philosopher laureate of the European Union. But why have his contributions to contemporary political theory commanded such attention? This book brings to life ...

Introducing Continental Philosophy: A Graphic Guide
Christopher Kul-Want
Condition: New
£8.99   £4.99

Compact INTRODUCING guide to this commonly overlooked body of thought.

The Dream of Enlightenment
Anthony Gottlieb
Condition: New
£23.03   £7.99

"Western philosophy is now two and a half millennia old, but much of it came in just two staccato bursts, each lasting only about 150 years. In his landmark survey of Western philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance, The Dream of Reason, Anthony Gottlieb documented the first burst, which came in ...

The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected - A Natural Philosopher's Quest for Trout and the Meaning of Everything
Marcelo Gleiser
Condition: New
£21.99   £12.95

Personal and engaging, The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected is a scientist's tribute to nature, an affirmation of humanity's deep connection with and debt to Earth, and an exploration of the meaning of existence, from atom to trout to cosmos.

A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy
Condition: New

This volume brings together a team of international specialists on Deleuze and Guattari to provide in-depth critical studies of each plateau of their major work, 'A Thousand Plateaus'. It combines an overview of the text with deep scholarship and brings a renewed focus on the philosophical significance of their project.

The Ethics of Torture
J. Jeremy Wisnewski, R.D. Emerick
Condition: New
£21.99   £4.99

Offers an introduction to the philosophical debates surrounding torture. This book asks key questions in light of recent events such as the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib: What makes torture morally reprehensible? Are there any conditions under which torture is acceptable? And, what is it like to be tortured, and why do people engage in torture?

On Tocqueville: Democracy and America
Alan Ryan
Condition: New
£10.99   £3.99

Tocqueville's gifts as an observer and commentator on American life and democracy are brought to vivid life in this splendid volume.

Strategy of Deception (Radical Thinkers)
Paul Virillio
Condition: New
£6.99   £2.99

Writtenwith his characteristic flair, Virillo's latest book is a trenchantdenunciation of the Kosovo war in which he successfully unites theorywith a riveting study of the conflict. Tearing aside the veil ofhypocrisy in which the USA and its allies wrapped the war, Virillodemonstrates that the nature ...

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