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Seeing Things as They Are: G.K. Chesterton and the Drama of Meaning
Duncan Reyburn
Condition: New

An examination of the philosophy underlying G.K. Chesterton's approach to perceiving the meaning in the world around us.

Only For Them
Leonardo Caffo
Condition: New
£11.00   £3.99

Year after year, day after day, minute after minute, billions of non-human animals are slaughtered for several purposes and aims (food, clothing, entertainment, research). An analogous situation whose objects were humans instead of animals would obviously never be accepted. But why do we tolerate and ...

Daniela Tagliafico
Condition: New
£12.50   £4.99

This book aims to offer an account of the architecture of the mind required to engage in pretense. It pays special attention to the nature of our imaginings, their power to motivate our actions and the abilities required to keep them distinct from reality. If pretense is a human ability, understanding ...

A Shoe Story: Van Gogh, the Philosophers and the West
Lesley Chamberlain
Condition: New
£14.00   £3.99

What Philosophy Can Do
Gary Gutting
Condition: New

A leading philosopher brings the tools of his trade to contentious contemporary debates.

Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
Henry David Thoreau
Condition: New

Thoreau has inspired generations of readers to think for themselves and to find meaning and beauty in nature. This sampling includes five of his most frequently read and cited essays: "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" (1849), "Life without Principle" (1863), "Slavery in Massachusetts" (1854), "A Plea ...

A. S. Neill
Professor Richard Bailey
Condition: New
£67.50   £6.99

A. S. Neill is one of the major thinkers in education. Richard Bailey's volume offers the most coherent account of Neill's educational thought.
This work covers:
Intellectual Biography
Critical Exposition of Neill's Work
The Reception and Influence of A. S. Neill's Work
The Relevance of A. S. Neill's ...

Starting with Berkeley
Nick Jones
Condition: New
£13.99   £3.99

George Berkeley (1685-1753) was one of the most important and influential philosophers in the history of Western thought. This book provides a detailed overview of Berkeley's philosophy, an interpretation of his arguments, and the opportunity for the reader to critically engage with Berkeley's philosophical moves.

Fredric Jameson: The Project of Dialectical Criticism
Robert T. Tally
Condition: New
£19.99   £14.99

A comprehensive guide to Jameson's theoretical project and a convincing argument for the power of dialectical criticism to understand the world today.

What Is History For?: Johann Gustav Droysen and the Functions of Historiography
Arthur Alfaix Assis
Condition: New

A scholar of Hellenistic and Prussian history, Droysen developed a historical theory that at the time was unprecedented in range and depth, and which remains to the present day a valuable key for understanding history as both an idea and a professional practice.

Greed: From Gordon Gekko to David Hume
Stewart Sutherland
Condition: New
£7.99   £2.99

In a riveting scene from the film Wall Street, Gordon Gekko proclaims that ?greed is good.? The great philosopher David Hume, on the other hand, describes greed as the most destructive of the vices. The recent banking debacle and continuing uproar about executive bonus pay has placed the controversial ...

The Private Life: Why We Remain in the Dark
Josh Cohen
Condition: New
£20.00   £4.99

From a talented and original thinker comes this passionate critique of the intrusiveness of modern culture which advocates an exploration and cultivation of our unconscious - of who we really are - in a world where everything we do is deemed public knowledge

The Victory of Humanism
Thomas Martin
Condition: New

Martin connects what Erik Rush calls "negrophilia" to an inversion of aesthetic sensibility that transformed Western culture over the past two centuries. His connecting of trends in fine painting, sculpture, literature, music, opera, drama, religion, even cinema, to U.S. race relations is spellbinding. ...

Miguel de Unamuno's Quest for Faith: A Kierkegaardian Understanding of Unamuno's Struggle to Believe
Jan E. Evans
Condition: New

This book examines the life and work of Unamuno through the lens of his faith. Those who are not familiar with Unamuno will find here a clear exposition of the most important themes in the thinker's work along with a framework through which one can profitably begin to read the primary texts.

In the Spirit of Critique: Thinking Politically in the Dialectical Tradition
Andrew J. Douglas
Condition: New

Offers a new perspective on the political significance of the Hegelian dialectical legacy. Focusing on the critical postures of Hegel, Marx, and a series of twentieth-century intellectuals, including Sartre, Adorno, and C. L. R. James, this book explores what dialectical thinking entails and how such ...

Leo Strauss and the Crisis of Rationalism: Another Reason, Another Enlightenment
Corine Pelluchon
Condition: New

Examines the German and Jewish sources of Strauss’s thought and the extent to which his philosophy can shed light on the crisis of liberal democracy. How can Leo Strauss’s critique of modernity and his return to tradition, especially Maimonides, help us to save democracy from its inner dangers? In ...

Auden's O: The Loss of One's Sovereignty in the Making of Nothing
Andrew W. Hass
Condition: New

Explores the rise of the idea of nothing in Western modernity and how its figuration is transforming and offering new possibilities. In this groundbreaking, interdisciplinary history of ideas, Andrew W. Hass explores the ascendency of the concept of nothing into late modernity. He argues that the rise ...

Destiny Domesticated: The Rebirth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Technology
Jos de Mul
Condition: New

"An analysis of contemporay technological society through the lens of Greek tragedy"--Provided by publisher.

Ultimates: Philosophical Theology, Volume One
Robert Cummings Neville
Condition: New

"A new theology of ultimate reality and a new theory of religion to back it up addressed to believers and scholars of all traditions"--Provided by publisher.

On Aristotle ''Topics'': v. 1
of Aphrodisias Alexander
Condition: New

This series translates the 15,000 pages of philosophical writings by the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle, written mainly between 200 and 600 AD. Now translated into English, these works include introductions, notes and comprehensive indexes, filling a gap in the history of European thought.

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